
順序から求められる要約統計量(Ordinal Data)
summary (dat)
Min.  1st Qu. Median Mean  3rd Qu. Max.   NA's 
20.00 50.00   75.00  72.00 85.00   950.00 10

モーメントから求められる要約統計量(Nominal Data)
library (psych)
describe (dat)
vars n    mean sd   median trimmed mad  min max range skew  kurtosis se
1    1044 3.93 1.09 4      4.09    1.48 1   5   4     -1.02 0.49     0.03
2    1044 3.68 1.29 4      3.84    1.48 1   5   4     -0.70 -0.64    0.04
3    1044 3.91 1.10 4      4.08    1.48 1   5   4     -0.97 0.30     0.03
4    1044 4.16 0.94 4      4.28    1.48 1   5   4     -1.09 0.89     0.03
5    1044 4.09 1.08 4      4.28    1.48 1   5   4     -1.06 0.28     0.03
# trimmed = 調整平均
# mad = 中央絶対偏差値

# 母平均の95%信頼区間推定
t.test (dat[, x], conf.level = 0.95)
One Sample t-test
data: dat[, x]
t = 116.88, df = 1043, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval: 3.859387 3.991188
sample estimates: mean of x 3.925287