Present Members

Doctor Program

  • Ishihara, T. (In-service high school teacher): Automatized Explicit Knowledge of Implicit Knowledge: Examining the Acquisition of Grammatical Knowledge Among Japanese EFL Learners
      • ☆2024年度(第37回)英検研究助成・研究部門入選!
  • Yanase, M. (associate professor): Effects of Inferential Instruction on Reading Comprehension Among Japanese EFL Learners
      • ☆科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究C)採択!「教育的介入による推論指導が読み手の英文読解力に与える影響の解明」

Master Program

  • Nakada, M. (In-service high school teacher): Examining the Educational Impact of Dynamic Assessment (DA) as a Formative Evaluation to Enhance Students’ English Writing Proficiency
      • ☆科学研究費助成事業(奨励研究)採択!「英語の『書く力』を高めるためのダイナミックアセスメントの教育効果検証」
  • Kato, M. (In-service high school teacher):

Bachelor Program

  • B4 (Ishibashi): English Learning Needs of Hard-Hearing Learners in Japan
  • B4 (Inoue, studying abroad at UK): Teaching EFL Speaking
  • B4 (Uehara): Effects of Learning Style and Strategies on L2 Vocabulary Achievement
  • B4 (Sakai, studying abroad at US): Fluency Development of English Speech Production
  • B4 (Takanezawa): Teaching and Practicing English Speaking for Accuracy
  • B4 (Matsumoto, studying abroad at US): Factors Motivating and Demotivating Japanese EFL Learners
  • B4 (Hashimoto): Factors Motivating and Demotivating Japanese EFL Learners
  • B4 (Naruo, studying abroad at US): Teacher Beliefs on Teaching Speaking in English and Students’ Anxiety
  • B4 (Hirohata): Examining Critical Period Hypothesis of L2 Acquisition
  • B4 (Kusakabe, studying abroad at Australia): Effects of Bilingual Education on Literacy Acquisition
  • B4 (Miyasada, studying abroad at Canada): Teaching Japanese as a Second Language
  • B4 (Jinzai, studying abroad at Canada): Cross-Linguistic Transfer in L2 Speech Production
  • B4 (Takeda, studying abroad at NZ): Coping Strategies for L2 Anxiety in a Classroom
  • B4 (Tsukasako)
  • B3 (Nishina)
  • B3 (Itatani)
  • B3 (Nagashima)
  • B3 (Takano)
  • B3 (Ueno)

Previous Members

Master of Education

Bachelor of Foreign Studies

  • Ooka (Former elementary school teacher): Pronunciation Instruction for Elementary School Children: Focusing on /b/, /v/, /r/, and /l/
  • Amano (Former elementary and middle school teacher): Language Education throughout Borderless World: Making Use of Plurilingualism
  • Kahara (Consultant): Grammatical Attrition in Adult English Learners: Exploring the Relationship with Learning History

Research Tools

  • Lab
    • Tobii Glass3 Eye Tracker
    • Microsoft Surface Go 2 x 2
    • Cedrus Superlab 6.0
    • Cedrus Response Pad R730
    • Cedrus SV-1 Voice key
    • Sony HD Video Camera
  • Statistics

Academic Journals

Academic Societies

  • Domestic
    • 全国英語教育学会 (JASELE)
    • 大学英語教育学会 (JACET)
    • 外国語教育メディア学会 (LET)
    • 全国語学教育学会 (JALT)
    • 小学校英語教育学会 (JES)
    • 日本言語テスト学会 (JLTA)
  • International
    • American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL)
    • The European Second Language Association (EuroSLA)
    • International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA)
    • British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL)
    • Society for the Scientific Study of Reading (SSSR)
    • Society for Text and Discourse (ST&D)